Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Padres Launch 9u and 11u Teams

On September 19-20 in Lexington, the Pee Dee Padres 9u and 11u teams played in their first tournament of the 2015-16 travel season.  Playing for the 11u were:

J'Shawn Anderson
Rodney Atkinson
Shane Dillon
Alvee Fulwood
Daniel Norwood
Jacob Perdue
Jacob Pulling
Joseph Ringer
Bridges Teal
Cooper Griggs
Garrett Richardson
Chandler Greene
Hitting the field for the 9u team this weekend were:
Bam Bam Fisher
Demarion Hadley
Lan Holloman
Luke Holloman
Bennett Laney
Noah McAteer
Zachary Pulling
Landon Tedder
Law Hope
Avery Fulwood
Both teams played well in their opening tournament and will be hitting the field again soon.  Great job, Padres!  

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